- When do I receive my yearly tax paperwork?
- What is included in HappyDoors Property Management services?
- Why do I have to pay GE Taxes?
- What is the purpose of having the utilities turned on when the rental property is empty?
- Why do I need to have HappyDoors Property Management added to my landlord insurance policy?
- Why do you recommend investors to consider pets?
- Why should I need to provide a customary pest treatment?
- Why does HappyDoors Property Management not list a rental property until its move-in ready?
- Why should the property be cleaned professionally prior to a tenant moving-in?
- Can you explain the Transient Accommodations Tax?
- How do you process maintenance service requests?
- How can I pay repair bills and other charges like the management fee?
- How quickly can you find me a tenant?
- When should I expect my monthly rent distributions?
- What is the significance of trust accounts and why do you use them?
- Can you explain the move-out process?
- How can the tenant’s security deposit be used?
- Rent is due when?
- Why does HappyDoors Property Management keep the legal and late fees?
- Are management fees charged on vacant properties?
- Why is there a minimum reserve balance?
- What is your key policy?
- How much security deposit can I collect?
- Do you offer discounts and lower management fees?
- How does HappyDoors Property Management determine the monthly rent amount?
- What are HOAs?
- What if the balance in my account drops below the required reserve amount happens or there is not enough money to cover all the expenses?
- What is NOT included in HappyDoors Property Management services
- How do you respond if a tenant pays their rent late?