Collecting rent
Rents are due on the 1st day of the month and considered late if not received in the HappyDoors office by the 1st of the month no later than 5 pm.
HappyDoors recognizes that many things can happen where it concerns rent; rent can really be lost “in the mail”; employers can delay the tenant’s paycheck, there are real tenant emergencies, and more. Therefore, we make a serious effort to determine why the tenant is having a problem. If HappyDoors receives the rent prior to issuing owner funds, HappyDoors does not contact the owner unless the HappyDoors management team determines there is an ongoing rent issue.
Notice for non-payment of rent
If HappyDoors does not receive rent by the due date, HappyDoors prepares and delivers a timely notice to pay or quit, as the law allows. HappyDoors makes every effort to mail and post notices properly should legal action be required. If HappyDoors determines the tenant is not going to pay the rent during the notice to pay or quit period, or shortly thereafter, HappyDoors contacts the property owner and works out a plan of action. In the event the owner is inaccessible or incapacitated, HappyDoors may, at it’s discretion, initiate the eviction proceedings and hire an attorney to assist in this process. Any legal and attorney fees as well as locksmith charges are the responsibility for the owner to pay. HappyDoors will make it’s best effort to recoup these cost from the tenant and/or their security deposit when its allowed by the State of Hawaii landlord/tenant laws.
Other notices
There are other notices that may be involved with tenants. HappyDoors serves notices as situations warrant, such as a notice to clean up the landscape, a notice regarding an illegal pet, illegal tenants, unauthorized smoking, etc. These tenant violations may be in the form of a letter or email. Often, these notices are simply to correct minor tenant problems and most tenants comply. However, if necessary, HappyDoors may contact the owner with the information to discuss the situation.
Tenant problems
HappyDoors has years of experience handling the myriad of tenant difficulties that can occur. The HappyDoors policy is to obtain good tenants, eliminating many tenant problems. However, even good tenants have problems. HappyDoors treats each problem with common sense approach, follows landlord/tenant law, and uses the appropriate documentation. If the situation is serious, HappyDoors contacts the owner, and works to find a solution for the problem.
Our company policy is to take a “what if” approach. HappyDoors documents tenant problems in the event that it becomes a legal problem. One of the reasons you hired a property manager is for “peace of mind.” This is what HappyDoors recognizes and works to prevent legal issues from arising.
Legal action
Although HappyDoors works diligently to avoid the necessity to begin an action, such as an unlawful detainer or eviction proceeding, it can happen. In the event any legal action is required, HappyDoors will contact the owner within a reasonable period of time to discuss what is needed.
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