There are few emergencies. An emergency is a life-threatening situation such as a fire, flood and/or uncontrollable water leaks, electrical problem, smell of gas, etc.:
- Emergencies causing immediate danger such as fire, call 911
- Emergencies involving gas call the gas company and if necessary, 911
- Emergencies involving IMMEDIATE electrical danger, call the utility service or 911,
- After contacting one of the above sources, then call HappyDoors and report the problem.
- Emergencies such as backed up plumbing, flooding, call (808) 800-4152, and listen for emergency instructions, and if necessary, call 911.
- Examples of non-emergency but urgent issues include, but not limited to, no hot water, no AC, plumbing stoppages (unless its backing up into the home) do not require immediate response. HappyDoors recognizes that these are important and will make it a priority to follow up on the next business day.
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